"Downtown on the
Courthouse Square"


First Christian Church
100 Water Street
PO Box 367
Belton, Texas 76513




9:30am Sunday School
 10:30am Fellowship
11:00am Worship
12:15pm Choir Rehearsal

6:00pm Prayer Time
6:30pm Bible Study


First Christian Church is pleased to assist you with your upcoming wedding.  Our guidelines have been designed to make your planning easier, fairly compensate our wedding facilitators, and protect our facilities.  With our mutual cooperation, we look forward to a beautiful and meaningful ceremony for your wedding.  The wedding ceremony is a worship service and a celebration of God's gift of marriage.  The sanctuary has two sections of pews (with a center aisle) and accommodates approximately 200 people.


Wedding Plans

________________________ and ________________________

on ____________________________ (date)


First Christian Church

100 Water Street
Belton Texas 76513


Minister: Rev. Michael Dunson


We, the members of First Christian Church of Belton want to see our building, the Church, and its facilities offered as a witness and outreach to the community.  We are pleased to offer you our facilities for the sacred event of your wedding.  Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well being of the entire human family.  Marriage is a civil contract between a woman and a man. For Christian marriage is a covenant through which a man and a woman are called to live out together before God their lives of discipleship.  In a service of Christian marriage a lifelong commitment is made by a woman and a man to each other, publicly witnessed and acknowledged by the community of faith.


Minister   Contact the minister you would like to officiate for your wedding at your earliest possible time.  Not only is this a common courtesy, but also the minister needs as much time as possible to clear his/her calendar for your wedding.  A minister from another church is welcome to officiate your wedding in our church, provided permission is granted from the First Christian Church minister.


Music    We know that music is an important part of your wedding ceremony.  You may use our piano or organ.  You may also utilize our sound system for recorded music.   Keep in mind that your wedding is a sacred celebration.  It is expected that you will select appropriate music for this time and place. 

Church hostess (required) $150.00.  The wedding hostess will serve as support and your contact person for your wedding experience in our church.  The hostess will meet with the bride to show the church facilities, review the wedding policies and guidelines, answer questions, offer suggestions for decorating, offer assistance for the wedding party, open the church, meet with the caterer and florist (at the bride’s request), and open the building for the rehearsal and the wedding.  The hostess will attend to lighting and heating/cooling the building.  The hostess will be present during your rehearsal, wedding, and reception to assist you in any way.  She will assist your wedding coordinator in accordance with church policy.

Media Team   Use of the sound system and video system is available to you.  Media personnel are required to run the system for a fee of $75.  They will attend your rehearsal and your wedding.


Custodial staff (required) $150.00.   The team will clean the Sanctuary and dressing rooms after the rehearsal and the wedding. 


FCC Nursery is available at no charge, but an attendant is to be hired by the wedding couple.  Should the FCC nursery attendant be hired, the cost is $35.00 per hour for a maximum of five children.  It is expected that the nursery will be left in good order after use.




Sanctuary use for rehearsal and wedding ceremony is $300.00

Fellowship Hall use for the rehearsal dinner is $75.00 and for the reception an additional $75.00
A refundable damage deposit of $150 (separate check) -- After inspection of church facilities, this fee will be returned within two weeks after the wedding.
The church is not considered reserved until the completed form and the checks for the non-refundable host fee of $150.00 and the refundable damage deposit of $150.00 are received in the church office.  The $300.00 sanctuary use fee, the $150.00 Custodial Fee and any other building use or FCC staff fees (such as media team fee) that apply are due in the church office one month prior to your wedding date.

Block out Fees  $150 Hostess + $150 Refundable Damage Deposit = $300 are due when reserving the church
Sanctuary use $300 + $150 Custodial Fee + $75 Media Fee = $525 are due 1 month before the wedding date


Decorations   Any candles (except unity candles) used must be purchased from the church wedding hostess.  Your request for candles needs to be made at least one month prior to your wedding date.  No adhesive tape of any form may be used in the Sanctuary.  Pew bows must be tied on and not attached with clamps, screws, staples, etc.  During the Christmas season, you may not remove Christmas decorations.  The organ, the organ console, and the grand piano are NOT to be moved.  Any other furniture, including the pulpit furniture may be moved, but the wedding couple is responsible for arranging to have them returned to their original positions after the wedding.  No wedding decorations or other rental equipment may be left in the church after the wedding.  The florist, or the bride's wedding coordinator, must leave the sanctuary in the same order in which it was found (clean and straight) immediately following the departure of the wedding party.
Decorations in the Fellowship Hall (if used) will be limited to tables only.  Linen, serving ware, and table appointments will NOT be provided by FCC. Rice is not permitted to be thrown at the wedding couple on church property.  Birdseed, flower petals, or bubbles are permitted outside the church. 

Miscellaneous (but important)
The sanctuary has 184 theater seats and one short bench pew that will accommodate a wheelchair on the aisle

Under no circumstance may alcohol or drugs or persons under the influence of either be allowed on FCC property at any time during your rehearsal, wedding, or reception.  It is your responsibility to inform your wedding party of this policy.  Smoking is strictly forbidden in the church and in front of the building.

It is expected that you will comply with Texas State Marriage Laws.  In Texas, a marriage license is valid for 30 days, but there is a three-day waiting period after obtaining the license before the marriage ceremony may take place.  You may obtain your license in any county in Texas.

Photographs are not to be taken during the wedding ceremony by either your photographer or invited guests.  We at First Christian Church consider your wedding ceremony to be a service of worship.  Please inform your guests of this information regarding the taking of photographs.




Sanctuary for wedding and rehearsal  $300
Fellowship Hall for rehearsal dinner  $ 75
Fellowship Hall for reception $ 75
Church Hostess Fee $150
Media Team Fee $ 75
Custodial Fee $150
Refundable damage deposit $150
Nursery available (no fee) but if our nursery attendant is used, $35/hour for up to 5 children  


"We have found him, Jesus of Nazareth.  Come and see."
John 1:45-46
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